
Friday, April 16, 2010

Why the Silence?

Well...I've been preparing for a cruise to Mexico! I shall be back the 24th.
Talk to you then! :-)
Miss Pickwickian

Monday, April 5, 2010

If Not Now - John Gorka

I enjoy a lot of John Gorka songs and his overall style. Unfortunately there really isn't a lot of good music on youtube of him (him and a lot of my other favorite artists). Anyways, I like this song a lot even though it's a bit repetitive... I don't really like the whole sing along thing, but at least the sound on it is pretty good. Get over his sometimes odd look and stage manner and appreciate the song. :-)

I love his "Soldiers after All" and "Always". We own his CD Old Future's Gone, which is pretty awesome. I guess one of the reasons why I enjoy his lyrics is - even though they are sometimes random and odd (and sometimes he's a little to peace loving ;-), they have pieces and lines that are profound and really stay with me. Some of the same reasons I try and listen to Bob Dylan too, I guess. ;-)

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian

Thursday, April 1, 2010

In the Shadow - Me

Thinking about justification....

In the Shadow

In the shadow of the monster
All I want is to be clean
Walking in the shadow of the monster

In the darkness of a murmur
All I want is to be clean
Walking in the darkness of a murmur

In the hollow of the quicksand
All I want is to be clean
Walking in the hollow of the quicksand

In the boundless folds of ocean
All I want is to be clean
Walking in the folds of boundless ocean

In the shadow of the brightness
All I want is to be clean
Walking in the shadow of the brightness

In the chaos of the stillness
All I want is to be clean
Walking in the chaos of the stillness

In the brightness of the judgment
All I’ll get is reflection
Walking in the road, the Son could wash me.

All I want is to be clean

© Miss Pickwickian

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian