
Friday, May 14, 2010

Wait to Hear

Wait to Hear

You hurry through a crowded street
You glimpse faces but see no souls
You never mind the hearts you meet
All you see is your distant goal

All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear

You meet someone that you can love
You meet someone who may love you
You may believe it’s from above
But all lives fall and split in two

All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear

A thousand touch and cross your life
A thousand faces shape your way
A thousand people compose strife
Some faces go some faces stay

All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear

You may speculate where they go
You may miss a face forever
Many lives you will never know
The spinning world is to clever

All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear

©Miss Pickwickian

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