
Monday, July 26, 2010

Loving God with All Your Mind - Elizabeth George

Loving God with All Your Mind by Elizabeth George
Harvest House Publishers

Readability: 7
Impact: I hope 10!

Read Again:
Yes, I should
Recommend It: YES!

What to Expect:

Elizabeth George uses six Scripture passages, Philippians 4:8, Matthew 6:34, Philippians 3:13-14, Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11, and Romans 11: 33, towards direct application in our thoughts, focus, and walk with God.

Her books is comprised of six sections which are relatively self explanatory: Training your Thoughts, Winning over Worry, Pressing for the Prize, Counting on God's Goodness, Living out God's Plan, and Accepting the Unacceptable.

(There is nothing particularly girly about this book, but its written towards ladies.)

My Squib:

One of the things I appreciated the most about this book was its focus on focus. Something I've already been mulling over a lot.
She encourages us to set goals. Our short term ones and long term ones. And to think about, pray about, and write down our life time goals through the perspective of our ultimate purpose.
To press on towards the goal of the upward call in Christ Jesus!

This book is also an excellent book for anyone struggling with trust or difficult times in their lives. God is good! He may not always be understandable to us, but He is good!

I must say Elizabeth George's writing style has never been my favorite. In this instance, I admit, that she will hit a much wider audience by her conversational tone then she might by a more arty or distinctive tone. A few times she borders on many exclamation marks (and in extremely odd places) and 'dear readers', 'dear friends', 'beloved', etc...
That, however, certainly stands far behind in the shadow of her direct and inspiring encouragement from Scripture.

This was an amazing book that came from a friend (a very awesome friend) at just the right time that I needed it. Thanks Ellen. ;-)

From the Book:

"What ever things are true and real...meditate on these things. This is not advise or a suggestion, it is a command. It is a sin not to do this!"

"It's amazing that as we spend less time in melancholy introspection and more time thinking thoughts that are true and real, we have more energy for positive uses and constructive purposes."

"Seven words seem to say it all: 'God is in control of all things.'
That, dear reader, is the truth of Romans 8:28. And theres is no fine print to this promise. There are also no disclaimers.
All things and every thing -- every event, every person, all the past, all the present, all the future -- fall under God's jurisdiction."

"Focusing on Jesus is what enables us to give our wholehearted effort to the race of life. We can only keep on keeping on when we have our eyes on Him, our crucified and risen LORD."

The rest -- please read for yourself! I'm sure you will find a lot that will help you in your thoughts and walk with Christ!


  1. It sounds like a really good book. I love how God brings just the right book along at just the right times, and how much impact someone's writing can have on our lives. Good inspiration for reading good books and writing good books.

  2. Sounds like a good book. Thank you for bringing it to our attention!


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