
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Through the Eyes of My Heart - Me

This past Sunday we had an excellent sermon titled "It's a You Problem". You should listen to it. :-)

This song is a musing...and how different your life would be if we would fully realize this and keep it in mind.
It also made me wonder how you would look at yourself if you did not believe in man's total depravity. It would be so easy to make so many excuses. And...if you don't believe that you are the problem, what is? If you follow the thinking through someone had to start the problem. Does that mean creation itself is bad?

Anyways...I have two versions of this song. This is the version that does not have the correct stresses in the second lines of the verses. The other one would go much better to music, but it doesn't say what I mean as clearly... So I posted the one which isn't as "correct".

Through the Eyes of My Heart

Cast around for an excuse
Hide behind someone’s monster
Only find blackness
Blackness through the eyes of my heart

There is no sword threatening
There is no gun compelling
Only find blackness
Blackness through the eyes of my heart

Hid behind someone’s monster
It can never hide my own
Only find blackness
Blackness through the eyes of my heart

There is no ground for defense
The monster is within
Only find blackness
Blackness through the eyes of my heart

There is a battle to fight
There is a banner to hold
Only quell blackness
Place the standard on my heart

© Miss Pickwickian

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. "Hid behind someone’s monster
    It can never hide my own"
    I really like that line - espcially after the reminder in the sermon: how we are all master excuse makers. Well written.


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