
Saturday, September 11, 2010

One Winner...and a Bunch of Losers

You know, I really wish you all could win. This book is so amazing and I want you all to have it! If you didn't win, which most of you didn't, I strongly suggest buying the book. If that means eating beans and potatoes for the next will be well worth it. ;-) Order The Art and Craft of Christian Fiction on Amazon Order the Art and Craft of Christian Fiction directly from Marcher Lord Press When you read it, let me know what you think. :-) Now to business. I hope you've all be waiting expectantly. Thank you to all those who entered! We had 83 entries, 82 of which did not get picked. Sorry guys, but thank you for your support and help in spreading the word. The randomly selected winning number was... Entry 75 - Shayleen at She Drinks Coffee at Midnight (If you all did not skip directly to this declaration, I am extremely proud of you.)

Shayleen, I hope this is a great encouragement to you and really helps you advance in fiction writing.
I shall be contacting you personally very soon! :-)

For all of you who are not Shayleen. Sorry. But it's not to late to win a giveaway and an awesome book!
Rosanne E Lortz, authoress, is giving away a signed copy of her historical fiction work, I Serve. Check it out. Entry is easy!

Special thanks to all of you who posted about the giveaway on your blog or placed my link in your sidebar. It is greatly appreciated.

If you write a blog that relates to anything I type here and feel the urge, please contact me about trading links. You can email me at pickwickian.forever(at)gmail(dot)come.

Thanks again,
Miss Pickwickian

P.S. I have no idea what is going on with formating. I've tried to make this post pretty a hundred times, but it's time to move on. I have been beaten.


  1. Well I had to try, and I will find some way to get it.
    Shayleen congratuelations! I hope you find inspiration in every page.

    Be Blessed:)

  2. I agree--this book is great! I like how Jeff Gerke compares a writer to a teenager growing up. There comes a time when we have to take what we've learned and decide what fits us. We need to discover ourselves: our genre, our voice.


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