
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Giveaway Ends November 1st

If you haven't entered the giveaway, please do. They are all excellent books. All you have to do is comment on this post for one entry!

Reformation Day is tomorrow! I'm excited about our celebration. I hope you have a good day too. :-)

National Novel Writing Month is approaching. I've never attempted this before, but I have an idea that would be perfect. I'm still trying to decide because I have a non-fiction writing deadline before the end of December. I'm also not sure I want to take that long of a break in the novel writing right now. We'll see...
I'm signed up at the moment, so if your trying, find me and friend me. :-)

And as an added bit of brother turns 23 today! Happy Birthday! You are awesome. :-)

Thanks for reading!
Have a superb Reformation Day!
Miss Pickwickian


  1. I am excited about Reformation Day too!!! What are you celebrating about this year? We are doing the Five Solas. (

  2. Lauren,

    Thanks for commenting. Doing Reformation Night on the Five Solas is a very cool idea. I don't think we've ever done that. The video you put up on your blog is very neat.

    This year we did more of an "All Saints Day" where we celebrated people that were Reformers, but not necessarily during the Reformation. We had all sorts of booths with different people dressed up as a certain saint. It was really cool.

    How did yours go?

    Thanks for commenting,
    Miss Pickwickian

  3. Sounds like you had fun! We did almost the exact same thing last year...although we didn't call them saints...

    Ours went really well! Our family heads it up at our church.

  4. Cool.

    Yeah, our family has done it several years, but this year was a wonderful break!

    Miss Pickwickian


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