
Monday, January 31, 2011

Amazing Giveaway Winner!

Thank you so much everyone who entered the giveaway and spread the word.

And, of course, thank you so much Zbet Designs for sponsoring this giveaway!
If you haven't checked out her stuff, you really should. It's totally amazing!

I wish you could all win, but only one of you did. :-) Sorry about that.


I'll be posting a new giveaway this week, so all of you who didn't win have a chance at something else awesome. :-)

Thanks for entering all of you!
Miss Pickwickian


  1. Congratulations, Miss Rebekah! I am so happy for you. May the necklace you won be a true blessing to you!
    Thank you, Miss Pickwickian, for hosting the lovely giveaway. I love forward to your next giveaway!

    Your Sister In Christ,

  2. Thank you so much for hosting this Miss Pickwickian ;) I'm so so excited about this lovely necklace!
    And, thank you ladies =)


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