
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rewrite that...

I often think that I was born to be a writer not because I write well but because I speak badly.

There's a pretty good chance when I open my mouth it's going to be something ready to delete, but at least when I'm working with a pen revisions are more commonly acceptable.

I hope this is the pain of being revised.


  1. I think I am a writer because I dwell in words, and letters and language. I stink in math and science...But I have been blessed with the ability to write what I think and even though I'm no Einsteiny in the physics, I am a Dickens in the works.

  2. Amen, I can write but never ask me to talk coherantly.....

  3. That's very true...writing forces you to stop and think out what you want to say, and that say eloquent wording would rarely appear in everyday conversation.

    Also, a question to a fellow writer. Do you choose to write with pen and paper, or through the computer? I personally like to write by hand, but usually when I start a story on paper, it transitions to the computer after only a handful of pages... Poetry and scribbles however I try to keep to real paper. Just wondering. :)

    ~Liz B,
    long reader, new commenter

  4. haha this made me laugh. :) Love you, Bethany!

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. They are...encouraging? :-)

    Liz B,
    Thanks for your comment.

    I used to ONLY get inspired when it was a pen in my hand, but over the past several years I've been trying to transition. It saves a lot of time. :-)
    I'm addicted to editing so the typing in general is a much better option for me.

    Now I do okay on the computer, but there is nothing exactly like having a pen in your hand and a blank sheet of paper. ;-)

    Your system sounds good. :-)

    Miss Pickwickian


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