
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Week in Mexico

We just spent an awesome week on a Mexican Riviera Cruise. :-)

This was a "work" cruise, meaning our business paid for it and Mama and I worked for at least 4 hours a day. I managed to get a lot accomplished on my non-fiction book, although it still has some deep issues to work out. And, of course, we had amazing time.

This was my third time aboard my M. S. Oosterdam. I love her... I wonder how much a cruise ship costs? ;-)

Mexico is not my thing--at least not as much as it is my sister's--but we did have a wonderful time. To go from an Oregon January to Mexico is quite the shock. It was hot.

I like Mexico--

-the crazy people.
-the life and noise.
-the margaritas.
-the warm ocean.
-the cute little kids running about.

but I love--

-to walk into a store and buy something for what the price tag says it is.
-to walk down a street and no one tries to sell you anything (including themselves as bodyguards).
-black and white. I love colors too, but Mexico doesn't give you a break.
-cold. Summer is awesome, but I'd rather it be cold and brisk than sweltering.
-waitresses that wash their hands.
-water that is drinkable...and cold.
-moments of solitude.

This was my second trip to Mexico and it confirmed that I was not cut out to live there, but that it is a pretty awesome place. I'd love to go back some day.

As for the cruise ship. I love everything about that. :-) Cruising is the way for me to travel. No stress. All relaxation. A wonderful writing atmosphere. Love it. Seriously.

Holland America is amazing, too. They have the best service imaginable and a wonderful, laid-back feel. I guess if you were going to party you might want to pick a different cruise line, but this is the one for me.

I know I can't do the trip justice and I have several book reviews to catch up on and such, so if you want to here more-- wait for some exuberant posts from my sister here. She took some amazing pictures and I'm sure you'll be amused by her posts.

I am now home and it is perfect outside. Sunny, cold, and windy. And an awesome friend is here from PA. I think we shall go take a walk. (Or a gallop or a session on the the case may be.:-)

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. I could sure use a working cruise.....hey boss?! Sounds like a lovely time!

  2. Yay thanks for posting!! :)
    Those are some very pretty pictures. I think I need to join your business so I can go on cruises with you! Hehehe.

  3. you are so lol! I love EVERYTHING about mexico! Even the disadvantages make it unique! :D I love the pics! thanks for posting!

  4. Wow, that sounds amazing! I am jealous both of your ability to travel and your time to write on your own. ;)
    I wish you'd write about some of your particular experiences there, sometime. :)

  5. Ditto what Bobbi Jo said. You SHOULD write down some of your experiences! I know you have so much else you have to write about right now, but I bet some of them would make great short stories!


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