
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The past two weeks...

I know I've been mildly distracted...but being distracted with life is hardly reprehensible. ;-)

The day after we returned from Mexico two friends from Pennsylvania came to stay with us for two weeks. We had an awesome time. I certainly have a lot to catch up on and plenty of new post ideas. Bear with me in the backlog.

This post is simply a two week review of some of the awesome things we got to do and a preview of more detailed posts to come.

-Reread As You Like It, Much Ado about Nothing, Macbeth, and half of Hamlet (we'll finish that on Skype.)
Reading Shakespeare aloud is considerably more fun than reading it to yourself. Aisha also contributes a great amount of flair and drama. ;-)

-Re-watched Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado and As You Like It. Laughed outrageously.

-Reread portions of Leithart's Brightest Heaven of Invention. Wished Leithart would write about Romeo and Juliet and As You Like It.

-Jumped on the trampoline numerous times with numerous experiences. Looked at stars. Sat on ice. Jumped in the rain. Read Shakespeare. Quoted Shakespeare. Sang Les Miz. Recited the Jabberwocky. Ate animal crackers. Laughed continuously...etc.

-Watched The 10th Anniversary Dream Cast Les Miserables for the fifth time. Loved it to death...again.

-Fell in love with Lamentations

-Visited Barnes and Nobles. Visited Eric Metaxas' biography on Bonhoeffer. Sniffed books. Received a perfect, beauteous new journal from Aisha. (Pictures to come. ;-)

-Visited Exodus Books twice. Sniffed books. Bought books. Loved books. Nearly died of happiness.

-Visited Powell's downtown. Sniffed books. Bought books. Experienced euphoria.

-Tried to find more room on bookshelves for books. Experienced failure.

-Ordered a new phone. Almost got a Droid for free, but didn't have enough money for the data plan. Prepared myself emotionally to put Julius in retirement. I wonder what the name of my new phone shall be.

-Had half of my sheep lamb. Experienced my first prolapsed ewe in twelve years. At this moment all of us are still alive. Never want to see that again.

-Spent two days in Portland. Walked along the waterfront in the wind. Spent time in the library. Confirmed that I still love downtown.

-Saw GFU rendition of Doubt.

-Sang David Erb's Psalm 134 without interruption. ;-)

-Sat in the fourth row in the Arlene Schnitzer Hall and watched Max McLean's rendition of Screwtape. Amazing.

-Ate tuna salad. The best imaginable tuna salad in the world. Aisha is amazing.

-Quoted Shakespeare continuously.

-Mixed Shakespeare quotes with Alice in Wonderland, Nacho Libre, and The Scarlet Pimpernel. Laughed until I could laugh no more.

-Fell in love with a new song version of Psalm 43 set to BLAENHAFHEN.
"God you are my overflowing joy!" I want this to be true...always..

-Walked to the top of Saddleback twice. Enjoyed the beautiful view, the mountains, and talking with Aisha.

-Accosted Suzy and jigged wildly to I Could Have Danced all Night in the kitchen.

-Drank voluminous amounts of tea in my awesome new black and white mug! Thanks Aisha. You're so sweet. :-)

-Walked to one of my favorite places in Oregon City--the old library. There is a playground. And swings! Happiness. :-)

-Visited the Cheesecake Factory.

-Went on a invigorating walk with numerous persons including my two oldest nieces. (Includes--running, spinning, neighing, galloping, laughing, and language interpretation.)

-Experienced Dyslexia. ;-)

-Had a fancy Israeli dinner with most of the family. Happiness. :-)

-Successfully scared Suzy to death with Aisha's added screams.

-Was reaffirmed in this conclusion:
God is truly our only hope. He is tireless and we are not. Moderation in all things does not mean moderation in our walk with Christ.

I am a hopeless sinner, but God is hope.

I will praise Him!

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. That was great :D

    *cheers for Exodus Books*

  2. You had a crazy couple weeks. And you very humorously summed them up. :) I like you, pal.

  3. Sounds like you had a good time... and you almost died twice!


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