
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shakespeare Week!

I have been very silent this week because my life has been full of...lambs, illness, snow, music, art, cleaning, and things of this nature.

Next week, however, is the afore mentioned Shakespeare week! This includes a huge, amazing giveaway and posts on Shakespearish things.

If you would like to participate please link to me and enter your info into this Linky thing so people can find your blog through mine.

Linked posts should be on something Shakespeare related (his plays, sonnets, movies and performances based of his work, etc...)

Thank you for participating. I hope this generates some interesting discussion.

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. Ooh!! I am so excited!! :) starts this Monday?

  2. I'd love to participate in your Shakespeare week, it sounds lovely! I really enjoy Shakespeare's marvelous works. This is going to be a lot of fun! :)

  3. so excited! i LOVE Shakespeare!!

  4. Thanks, I would love to participate, although it will probably be something simple and not very time-consuming on my end. :)

  5. I *adore* Shakespeare! I love finding people who share that love with me :)

  6. I am really happy to hear about this. I read about is over at Old-Fashioned Charm

    I have been wanting to get into more Shakespeare, and this will be a good inspiration!


  7. I love Shakespeare and am looking forwards to participating in the Shakespeare week

  8. I'm all linked up and ready to go! :D I do love a good play! =)

  9. Shakespeare week--good idea! :)

  10. Oh so excited:) I'm so glad you came up with this idea!

  11. Oh, this will be fun! I'm going to shakespeare-ize my blog, for this week! yay!


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Thank you!