
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Various things that have been occupying my brain and time...

Life is busy...
Here's a list of items I want to get to on this poor blog but I'm not. Sometime... When life slows down. ;-)

Book Reviews

-Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ by John Piper
-The Cross Centered Life by C. J. Maheney
-Prayerbook of the Bible by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
-Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas
-Reformed is Not Enough by Douglas Wilson
-Her Hand in Marriage by Douglas Wilson
-Let Me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot

Movie Reviews

-Red Cliff 2008
-Agent of Grace 2000
-Megamind 2010
-Numerous others, but that's all I've watched recently.


-My sister is seriously getting good on portraits and other artwork. For my birthday she pen and inked and watercolored a beautiful picture from Howl's Moving Castle and Les Miz. She's now in the middle of a portrait of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. :-)

-Mumsie drew me an awesome portrait of Claus von Stauffenberg (not Tom Cruise...the real guy).

-My art is still in the cartoon stage. ;-) But I do want to work on another "picture book".


-An unhealthy addiction to the Howl's Moving Castle soundtrack.

-Some awesome hymns and Psalms we've been singing recently. Most notably, Mark Regan's arrangement of Rock of Ages. Love.

-My current interest in music from India.

-Ten minutes when I can write something songish in the midst of unquenchable inspiration.

Various other things.

-I have listened to some seriously good sermons recently. I would love to think through some of my notes!

-I am leaving for Poland in two months for a two week long missions trip! I can't believe it is this close.

-I am traveling a lot this year. Happy, sad, and excited. Get back to you on that...

-I have a looming and insane deadline on my nonfiction book that is totally stressing me out.

-I am a bad nonfiction writer.

-Romeo and Juliet meets Hamlet needs some work... And I'd love to ramble on about it.

-I have not opened Where Loyalties Lie in all of 2011.

-Les Miserables week seriously needs some planning! At least a blog button.

-I have four giveaways ready and planned... Now for posting and pictures.

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. Me, too. : )

    Problem is, life never seems to slow down... (Or maybe yours does. I hope so. I always think mine will but my expectations are repeatedly dashed.)

    I was recently intrigued to find an Indian radio station on the AM dial. All music, no comments. Indian pop music seems more interesting to me than much of ours...



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