
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Favorite Keyboard Feature

I am in the midst of a three day writing retreat. My nonfiction rough draft is not shaping up...


  1. Oh, dear... I know how you feel. I use my backspace key more than another button on my computer.

    Hope you can soon rangle that piece of writing into submission!

  2. Aw :( Keep it up! You can do it!
    :-D Eat a donut...or...something yummy. Watch a Julian Smith. :)

  3. I know what you mean! Sometimes it's all I can do not to hit ctrl-A and DELETE!!

  4. Loving the picture. Sadly enough, I think I understand all too well..... :(
    Sorry girl-- go listen to some inspiring music or something <3

  5. Thanks everyone.

    I did get through a round of edits, but the poor things doesn't look much better.

    I can normally whip myself up into inspiration for fiction, but this nonfiction stuff isn't so cool. :-)

    Glad I had the time to focus and get through it!

    Thanks for the well wishes, and all you who can sympathize, I hope your edits go well too! We shall conquer!


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