
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Historical Fiction Giveaway

Road from the West by Rosanne Lortz

This promises to be another amazing book. Enter Rosanne's giveaway to get a chance  to win a copy before the book releases!

Watch for Road from the West's release on September 2nd. I am excited!

I've never allowed myself to get lost in historical fiction...and I want to read more. How about you? What are some of your favorites?


  1. I love Historical Fiction!! It is my favorite genre! I would recommend Gloria Whelen, Jean Plaidy, Rosemary Sutcliff,and... there are more out there. These were just the first few that came to mind. :)

  2. Ah, Rosemary Sutcliff. *nods* Massively good. C. S. Forester and Patrick O'Brian are good if you want some naval historical fiction.

  3. I've fully allowed myself to let the wings of historical fiction envelope me! For the most part anyway. :P
    I really enjoy G.A.Henty, I have strayed a little into other peoples works, but with one exception I come out finding that modern writings like to add plenty of bedroom scene or such thoughts. I do not say all historical writers I like this, but the few I've run across do. (except the Robin Hood series by Stephen Lawhead, those were magnificient, even if I don't currently recommend other books by him)
    Anyway, the Hood series and Henty books are my favorites.
    Keep posting!
    ~Anna P.


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