
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dr. Seuss Haunts Me

Listening to Bob Dylan and wallowing in curriculum seem to be persistent themes for me these days. A new tutoring job involving less savory subjects than creative writing has added some running about, study time, and many, many books to my life.

That is my excuse for snubbing the arrival of 2012. My next post will endeavor to give it due thought... And try to rescue this blog from its current sentimental tendencies.

First, but means of house keeping...

I thought the world should know that my most visited post is still One Fish which is now well over 10,000 views.

Recent comments, especially on Dear Last Year have been very encouraging. Thank you, people!

In celebration of my new job, I received a Dr. Seuss journal. It is very bright and beautiful betwixt all my Eiffel Tower notebooks, journals, and stationary.

While downtown, I bought an extraordinary mechanical pencil of extreme awesomeness. It is so fancy I just recently found the eraser. I used to be addicted to mechanical pencils. They seem to hold the key to algebra and geometry. But after a few peaceful years without such horrors, I'd forgotten how vital they were. I guess I had become solely dependent on my Waterman, but mechanical pencils make reviewing and teaching algebra so much better. This distinguished fellow needs a name and title.

The Erratic Muse was on my "possible let go list" for 2012 while I was trying to organize, prioritize, and balance life. It did, however, make it through my ruthless refocus and organization. My plan is to post once or twice a week... hopefully something a little more thought provoking and interesting than this poor thing.

Thanks for reading. :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have recently come to appreciate mechanical pencils. Their always-the-same lead shape is amazing, and their clickiness is addicting. The shortcomings of regular pencils (including the problem of not keeping/having a pencil sharpener) can be all but forgotten.

    I love the journal. There should be more Seuss in the world.

  3. Hi there :) I found your blog through the Go Teen Writers site. I really like it: it's really tidy and it seems as though you have some cool stuff to say. I'm a new follower :) I'm 15, also a Christian, writer and blogger. Nice to meet you!

  4. Bethany, I always injoy reading your blog. :)


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