
Thursday, May 17, 2012

~Wordsmithy Giveaway~

Wordsmithy: Hot Tips for the Writing Life by Douglas Wilson
Canon Press 2011

Mandatory Entry 

1. Leave a comment describing why you write and/or think writing is important. 

Additional Entries 

2. Follow the Erratic Muse.
3. Share the news on Facebook or your blog with a link back to The Erratic Muse. 
4. Share the single most important thing you've learned while writing.
5. Share the title of your favorite book on writing. 

Be sure to leave a comment for each individual entry!

This giveaway will end on May 29th.
My rough draft deadline of my current writing struggle.

This is a writing book for anyone who uses words and language. :-)

Moscow, Idaho

A lecture from Doug Wilson
from the 2011 Wordsmithy.


  1. Why I write....because writing helps me to objective and logical. And somehow brings me full circle back to focusing on God and His grace. =)

  2. I write because it helps me to clear my mind, get thoughts in order, share ideas for collaboration, and learn about how to express and confess my Saviour.

    I already follow you

    I posted on Facebook :)

    probably the most important thing I have learned while writing is that I am not a great writer and I need to work on it.

    I read a book called 'The Elements of Story' which was an excellent book about nonfiction writing.

  3. The Holy word was *written* by inspired men of God. Without it, where would the church be today? The ten commandments, were written on tablets.....Writing is clearly an important part of our work as Christian light-bearers!

  4. At this point in my life I write to record highlights in my life and children's lives.

  5. I think the most important thing I've learned is to PRACTICE. Write a lot. Write different things. Stories, letters, essays, poems...

  6. Why do I write? I write because I couldn't stop or it would leave this hole in my heart. I feel the need to write flowing through my mind, tugging at my fingers, dragging along my pen. The need to create and build worlds with words. The need to share the truth through the words I write. I write because I cannot cease.

  7. And I shared it on my blog...

  8. I have a lot of favorite books on writing. I particularly like "The Lively Art of Writing" and "Story Engineering."

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I now follow you ... but I still need to add you to my google reader. Will soon get to that, though.

  11. The single most important thing I've learned about writing is to not give up, even when my hand is cramped and my brain is dry.

  12. Of the books I've read on writing, my favorite has been "Spilling Ink" by I forget who. There were two authors ... and one had the last name Potter. They were both women.

  13. I write because I love it, and because God gave me a talent for it, and because otherwise I would go crazy with all these plots and characters running around in my head.

  14. I write because it allows creative flow, and I enjoy it. :) Plus I can rant to myself better in writing.
    ~Anna P.

  15. A link to your blog is on my blog. :) It's on the side if you scroll down. See:

    ~Anna P.

  16. Never Give up! That's probably the most important thing I've learned while writing. A hard lesson, but it's one worth learning. :)

    ~Anna P.

  17. Ya know what, I think the best book I've read on writing is just reading books in general. That's what helps me, but I'd like to read this book on writing, it's one I've heard recommended.

    ~Anna P.


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