
Friday, August 17, 2012

The Blotter for You

There was a NaNoWriMo flop in 2010. The aftermath was a long-winded short story and after a year and a half of marinating and sporadic, brutal edits, In the Mourning is now seeing the light of day. This gangly short story has now been published in The Blotter along with two wonderful poems by fellow writers.

The Blotter is the quarterly publication of the Inkblot Society, an aspiring hodgepodge of writers bent on glorifying God through all sorts of shapes and sizes of writing.

There are many glaring errors encased in In the Mourning, but I am grateful to be forced to declare something  "finished" and have other people reading it. The two poems by other Inkblotters are quite good. You will enjoy. :-)

If you would like a copy of this publication of The Blotter, email or comment to let me know. I would be thrilled to send you one.

Following issues will be donation based to keep the Inkblot Society on top of printing costs, but this one is free to you from me. :-)


  1. your story is awesome. :) also, I love you.

  2. Just wanted to publicly say thank you for mailing me the magazine. I've read all the poems and am working my way through the short stories: very good all!

    Everything from the cover art to the layout of this magazine is beautiful and very well put together. Please let me know if there will be future issues. If so I'd like to become a paid subscriber.

    Thanks again,

  3. Thank you, Caleb! I'm glad you've been enjoying it. I'll be sure to let you know about our next issue. :-)


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