
Friday, January 11, 2013

Other Things

So, I hope you all had an amazing and blessed New Years and Christmas! The Erratic Muse has been quiet on such subjects, but not because they haven't been magnificent.

Here are a few things-

-Thank you for your comments and emails on my Les Miserables reviews. It was encouraging and interesting to hear different opinions. I've been able to see it three times now, and I am quite sure it is quite good. ;-)

-Here is a good review on Les Miserables. Excellent thoughts about Javert and Russell Crowe.

 -My sister finally posted about our October New York Trip.  (See my post.)

-Last Year/New Year post in the works.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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This blog is full of random squibs and opinions. I realize you might not all agree with me, in which case, feel free to considerately share your own ideas. I enjoy polite debating.

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