
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Because Books are Plain Awesome


  1. The picturs are wonderful. Is it a library? Or what kind of place is it.

    Be Blessed:)

  2. The second photo down looks like an ancient version of the Jedi Archives.

  3. Oh my word, I think I would die of sheer happiness. :)

    Thank you for sharing those amazingly wonderful pictures!


  4. I would murder to be able to get into a place like that! :)

  5. Thanks for commenting.

    They are BEAUTIFUL! How much time could we spend wandering around in there? Sigh... What bliss. :-)

    The pictures are all from relitively famous, older libraries.

    They just made me happy. ;-)

    Miss Pickwickian

  6. Beautiful pictures! They make me wich it would be practical to build a library like that onto our house...

  7. Shelves of books -- warm, inviting, begging you to run your hand across them, to take out book after book to leaf through. Surely there will be book shelves in heaven.


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