
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jewish Violin Music

I love this type of music.

The album Songs of our Fathers by Andy Statman and David Grisman is an intense favorite. So lyrical...and sometimes so energetic. There is a medley we dance Whip-the-Willow to that is just the best. :-)
Songs of Zion by Maurice Sklar is another CD that's been around our house for a long time. And now, of course, the Defiance soundtrack. :-)

We should produce music like this!

This song is played by the French violinist, Patrick Chemla.

I've grown up with pieces of this music but I don't think I'll ever think of them the same after reading Elie Wiesel's Night. The scene where his friend plays the violin while they are all waiting in the cold is one of the most moving of the book.
Elie falls asleep to the sound and wakes up and the violinist and most of the people around him are dead...from cold and hunger. The violinist is still holding his instrument in the same position.


  1. Beautiful! I so enjoy violin music and I'd never heard this before. Stunning!

  2. This kind of music just makes me want to's SO beautiful! The violin has to be one of those most soul-stirring musical instruments!
    Which makes me think of:
    "...Is it not strange that sheep's guts should hale men's souls from their bodies?"


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