
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Much Ado's "Sigh No More"

Words: Obviously... Shakespeare :-)
Music: Patrick Doyle

A detailed review coming one of these days... ;-)

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. My school is doing this for it's annual play! I play Conrad, :P

  2. This has been one of my family's favorite films for years! I just recently did a post on Patrick Doyle's music and discovered that he also played Balthazar in the film. I love this song/poem and it's attached to my favorite scene in the film! :)

    ~Miss Laurie
    Old-Fashioned Charm

  3. I love it!! It's such a beautiful movie, though it makes the rest of my family fall asleep! =)

  4. Love this movie! Thanks for reminding me! I think I will listen to the soundtrack today. :)

  5. Thanks for the comments. This is a favorite movie of the household. :-) We need to see it belongs to my sister who got married and took it with her. What's with that? :-)

    Miss Laurie,
    Yes, I think it's very interesting that Patrick Doyle plays Balthazar. He also plays the musician in "As You Like It".

  6. "Is it not strange that sheep's guts should hail souls from men's bodies?" Haaaaa! Love this movie. In college I lived with period movie lovers and Shakespeare nerds so we watched this a lot.


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