
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random Updates and House Cleaning


Even the Darkest Night by Zavalick Designs on Etsy was won by Cassie! Congratulations!

Thank you so much Zavalick Designs for hosting this awesome giveaway and thank you to all who entered. Cassie, email me so we can get this shipped out to you!


You all have until 4pm to send in your essays for the contest! Email me at pickwickian.forever(at)gmail(dot)com.

Last Week

-My younger sister graduated and my older brother got engaged! Crazy, awesome week.

-I have until June 10th to finish my book. Insanity!

-After June 12th, I will be taking a more relaxed view of blogging for a month while I have a blast at our Church camp and spend two weeks in Poland. Right now I'm struggling to keep posts interesting, timely, and lively. After I return full force in July, I want to give the Erratic Muse some rethinking and possible reorganizing.

-I'm terribly excited about Les Miserables week and I hope I can come up with some intelligent posts. With last week, I had no time to prepare and this morning I woke up at 3am with the flu...again. Unpleasant surprise.

-I'm currently trying to work on/help with some other blog projects including our farm blog and a blog with info about our Poland trip. I'll be posting more about that soon.

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian

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This blog is full of random squibs and opinions. I realize you might not all agree with me, in which case, feel free to considerately share your own ideas. I enjoy polite debating.

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