
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wise Words - Dr. Peter Leithart

Wise Words: Family Stories that bring the Proverbs to Life
by Peter Leithart

Canon Press (2003)

Rating: 8
Readability: 9
Impact: Very interesting look into this sort of writing...

Read it Again: Already have. :-)
Recommend It: Of course.

What to Expect

Simple stories that are grounded in a specific Proverb but build off much more Biblical symbolism and typology. Unpretentious. Good for all ages.

My Squib

This is, of course, a very different sort of read from Dr. Leithart, but still holds all the thought and honesty of his other books. He opens with a quote I am completely in love with--

"Stand fast! And keep your childishness.
Read all the pendant's creeds and strictures,
But don't believe in anything
That can't be told in colored pictures."
~G. K. Chesterton

Dr. Leithart holds true to this principle and does so beautifully in Wise Words.
I rationed this book because I didn't want it to be over. The stories are short, simple, playful, serious, and imperfect, but they will continue to roll around and grow in your noggin if you let them in.

From the Book

I had many favorites but "Ivy and the Prince" was near the top. The allegory aspect may or may not have made me bawl like a baby. :-P Quotes out of context might sound a bit strange, but this sentence was beautiful-- "Her heart broke with pain and joy and the terror of love."

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