
Saturday, October 1, 2011


the only proper form of expression is a yellow smiley...on the beach.

This post is merely to say that I am currently dancing around my room in the throws of unquenchable joy. I have a shiny new laptop...that belongs to an alternate reality. His name is Hector.

I have never once exhausted his battery and I worked nearly all day yesterday on the go. From seven minutes to over seven hours is quit the change in a writer's life. He ways nearly four pounds less then my HP (he shall remained named so as to not hurt his feelings). 

I've restarted my novel (draft fourteen) and started planning out the next year of my life. Organized and productive. This may I be.

Have a good Saturday and restful Lord's Day. I shall continue dancing. ;-)

If this was skype...there would a little ninja rocking out here for a perfect farewell.


  1. Hahah this made me smile. (: Sounds exciting! I want to hear more about this novel....

  2. I too am experiencing this joy... my former laptop died unexpectedly, hence the adoption of a new one. I haven't yet named it but am giving due thought to the question...

    I second the request for more on the novel. : )


  3. Hi Bethany. I want to borrow your happy face on the beach picture...I just returned from 3 days of R&R at oceanside and feel quite happy and refreshed myself ;-). Happy typing on your new laptop as you dive back into your novel.


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