
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller

Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller
Thomas Nelson, Inc

Readability: 9
Impact: 10+

Read it again: Certainly. There are parts of it I wish I could just cram into my brain!
Recommend it: Yes, I highly recommend it. I'm sure it says more to some people then others and I can see why some readers wouldn't like it, but that's their problem. ;-)

What to Expect

A artsy ramble by a consciences thinker and convicted Christian.

My Squib

I ordered this book on a recommendation with out reading about it. I really had no idea what it was about until Amazon delivered it on our doorstep.

I enjoyed it but was skeptical for the first few chapters. Once I was a third through I was devouring it with a pen and notepad in one hand.
Donald Miller has an amazing, artsy writing style (although he could cut down on the long sentences). He speaks honestly from the heart.

At times I can't agree with Donald Miller theologically (or grammatically, for that matter). I would also would rate it at PG 13 for his nitty-gritty honesty...
Other then that, this is any amazing book and I highly recommend it. (I've actually just ordered three more copies for friends and family!)

As a side note, I also enjoyed this book because it's author lives in Portland. He often mentions local places and events. As a frequenter and Portland lover, this was especially cool for me. ;-)

I know that God put this book in my life when I needed it. I thought so much of it was written directly at me in a special way that I could understand. Thank you, Ellen, for recommending it. ;-)

Now I need to put it action!

From the Book

"And so I have come to understand that strength, inner strength comes from receiving love as much as it comes from giving it. I think apart from the idea that I am a sinner and God forgives me, this is the greatest lesson I have ever learned. When you get it, it changes you. My friend Julie from Seattle told me that the main prayer she prays for her husband is that he will be able to receive love. And this is the prayer I pray for all my friends because it is the key to happiness. God's love will never change us if we don't accept it."

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