
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's in the Works and...."Love" by Me

So the reason there has been no lyrics is because I've been stuck on this one.... All my other "songs" have developed a rough draft in the first day or so.

Until....this one I've been working on. I think I've been trying to to cram way to much into a few verses and tackling to big of concepts. You know how when idea becomes dear to your heart it can never get good enough on paper? Well, that's where this idea is at. I care to much about it now to ever do it justice.
Anyways...I broke my brain on it for an hour or so today and then decided to loosen up and work on something else. If I just wrote something quick to get my fingers warmed up again, maybe it would go better.

The result is this song, Love.
I wrote it in the style of my Death song, because to me, it seems only Christ's love is the opposite of death. I'm not sure I tackled a manageable concept here. I had a lot of issues running through my head when I wrote it, but I'm hoping it turned out making some sort of sense.
I'm certainly more ready to go back to the challenging project now.

So anyways, here it is. Maybe someday you'll see the other project.


I want to have it
I want to feel it
I want to horde it
I want to give it away

I just can’t see it
I just can’t touch it
I just can’t hold it
I just can’t give it away

They try to say it
They try to give it
They try to show it
I try to give it away

I can’t receive it
How can I give it?
Must I live it?
I receive to give away

I don’t deserve it
I did not earn it
I can’t accept it
I have none to give away

He freely gave it
He died to save it
I can’t repay it
Can I give His love away?

© Miss Pickwickian

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. You rock, as usual.
    The song is cool.

  2. I love those lyrics, Bethany. Now you need somebody to write a tune for you and somebody to sing it for Talent Night!

  3. Thanks guys! You've all made my day! :-)

    Actually, Charity might experiment with some music on a couple. I am so, so excited.

    Joseph also wrote music for one, but it needs some readjusting and he's busy at the moment...being a newlywed and all. ;-)

    Thanks for commenting!

  4. I like the last verse especially... it's pretty inspiring, actually.
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like it a lot! Especially the first verse, where there a contradictory feelings. I hope we get to hear it sung someday!


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