
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Quest for Love - Elisabeth Elliot

Quest for Love: True Stories of Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
Revell (A division of Baker Books) 2002
First publication in 1996

Rating: 8
Readability: 8
Impact: High. :-)

Read it Again: Yes
Recommend it: Yes!

What to Expect

A sort of sequel to Passion and Purity, this book combines the true stories of many different and diverse Christians as well as direct, biblical based wisdom from Elisabeth Elliot.

Short chapters with thought questions.

My Squib

I really enjoyed this book. It shows that there is no formula and God is creative and merciful. The important thing for us is to hold Him as the center of our lives...and that means our relationships too.
We must pursue Him and His will in all areas of life!

From the Book

I wrote a lot of quotes down from this book over time, but I shall restrain myself. :-)

He always answers the cry of the man or woman who wills (against all wanting) to do His will. It is here that the battle is waged.

Maturity is the acceptance of limitations. Every choice made in life rules out a thousand possibilities. Love, in the last analysis, is a choice.

Fear God and nothing else.

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian


  1. I have not read this one yet, but really want to! I just need to go out and buy it. :) I LOVED Passion and Purity!! ♥

    By the way, have you read 'Darcy and Elizabeth'...if you have, could you please write a review on it? I've heard so much about it - good and bad things. It's supposed to be a sort of 'sequel' to Pride and Prejudice...written only a couple years ago. Anyway, I'm interested in purchasing it, but may wait a bit till I find out more about it. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Raquel,

    I haven't read "Darcy and Elizabeth", but I've heard some interesting things about it too. Generally I don't like it when later authors take other peoples' characters and have them do new things. Sometimes it's cool though. :-) And I've heard people like this one that are normally touchy about such things. Maybe I should look into it...

    We have more than one copy of "Quest for Love" if you'd like to borrow one. I'd be happy to lend you mine. :-)

    Hope you have an amazing Christmas!!!!
    Love in Christ,
    Miss Pickwickian

  3. "Maturity is the acceptance of limitations."
    So much truth summed up right there.


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