
Monday, June 20, 2011

Blogging Break

I just got home from an amazing week at our annual Church Family Camp. What an excellent reminder of the encouragement, safeguards, and challenges of community!

I have two things that should be, Lord willing, accomplished before I renter the blogging world around July 14th.

1. My book, Called to be Fruitful Now will be at the printers.

You have no idea what freedom and ecstasy this will give my spirit!

2. I will be back from Poland a (hopefully) wiser, more experienced, probably exhausted person.

Thank you so much to those of you who have already been praying and showering me with encouragement. Your support is greatly appreciated. I continue to covet your prayers for our team!

You can keep up on news and updates from both of the following blogs-

You can also like Evangelos on facebook to get recent picture updates.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers. I look forward to sitting and writing some more thought through posts when my break is over. 

Thanks for reading. I'll be back in July. :-)
Miss Pickwickian

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl Movie

I loved Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl so much. Can't wait until I can see what they did with this movie.

Monday, June 13, 2011


It is so much easier to critic than to everything. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Somewhere...there is progress.

I am the sort of man who writes because he has made progress, and who makes progress by writing. - St. Augustine

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Book Covers

Recently I've been cooling my brain off from book edits thinking about book covers.

The working title of my book is Called to be Fruitful Now: A Mission for Young Women. It's a short Bible study on the calling of young ladies. My basic goal is to emphasis that we all have an intense job in every time of life, and that being a fruitful, productive, and serious Christian starts on day one.

I could go a lot of directions with the cover.

Books we've done in the past have always had comb bindings and watercolor artwork. I like it, but since my book is shorter I want a half page perfect binding look.
I also think my sister is going to do a photography cover. She'll to do an awesome job and Daniel will do a wonderful job with the lettering/formatting aspect.

I just want something that makes you curious.
I want it to be happy and colorful, but at the same time down-to-earth and gritty. I don't want it to be at all romantic. I want it to be very much hear and now...a modern girl in a modern world.

We've thought about a tree or blossoms or something, but that doesn't really get my idea across.

It would be very cool to do something with a girl and a tree. Sort of a "Eve in the Garden" look except the opposite. Have no clue how to do that.

The only option we've brainstormed at the moment that I even slightly like is a girl sort of hanging from a tree limb. lol. :-P

Have any ideas about book covers? What makes them good?

Thanks for reading my discombobulated thoughts.
Miss Pickwickian

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dare to Live - Andrea Bocelli and Laura Pausini

There is "one truth", but the rhyming is nice....

Otherwise love the lyrics, voices, and arrangement.

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian

Friday, June 3, 2011

I am going to Poland.

On June 27th. It's so close, I can't believe it.
You've probably heard me talk about it in passing, but it's time for a full fledged post.


It is a two week mission trip with other members of our church and other CREC churches in late June-early July. We're traveling as a choir of sorts...singing on the street and in a more formal concert stetting in the evening.

Poland is 90% Roman Catholic. It's not the sort of Roman Catholic you probably are thinking of. There really are indulgences posted on churches. Poland needs the Gospel. We'll be working along side pastors and churches our church has been involved with before.

We need lots of prayer and encouragement. Please help us by praying that God would open doors and give us the right words to speak.

You can learn more about the trip at Reformation for Poland and Evangelos. We'd greatly appreciate it if you can help tell others about our mission by word of mouth or by posting links on your blog/facebook. We want a lot of people praying and we want to alert others to the need in Poland.

There is so much to think about and accomplish.

-My book is oppressively looking over my shoulder, daring me to open the file and bash it into submission with the million and one edits it requires. That's my biggest deadline horror.
Besides the fact that it needs lots and lots of help internally, I still don't have a title or cover design.

-Many select sheep need to be managed and ready to sell. Lambs are ready to be separated etc...

-My room is still in the middle of reorganization.

-I need to get past the fact that the new episodes of  Sherlock aren't coming out until fall. Cwy.

-I need to work and make some money. :-/

-Practice our music and work on our Bible. I just need to learn a lot in general. I so do not feel ready for this!

Blogging may be touch and go for awhile, while I focus on other duties. If you're interested in what's going on for our trip, please visit Reformation for Poland (which I will hopefully be updating regularly) and Evangelos (which should have some epic pictures and videos).

Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Emphasis and Interest

My most visited page is One Fish - Dr. Seuss.

I think my blog is a failure. :-P