
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Emphasis and Interest

My most visited page is One Fish - Dr. Seuss.

I think my blog is a failure. :-P


  1. It's OK...people only look at my blog when I post pictures of my kids. Don't they want to read things I write?!?! :-) Oh well....

  2. Well, don't feel too badly. At least you're helping enlighten the the brilliance of Dr. Seuss. ;) Perhaps we should all just give up this Classical, literary stuff and resort to Seussical rhymes?

    ;D But let's not. Because I love your blog just the way it is. The world needs Hugo and Sherlock as much as it needs Dr. Seuss. :D

  3. I'd never seen that page before either. :) I love your blog. Don't be discouraged. Keep on, and keep writing. The hard work will pay off.

  4. I'm not sure what my most read page is, but this was certainly funny! :)

  5. I have to echo Robert....but I know how you feel! I think I have only two regular readers; one is my best friend from 5th grade, and the other is my sister! lol
    I've enjoyed sharing in your opinions/thoughts, and just want to encourage you to continue! You never know how many anonymous readers you affect (in a good way!), and how many who are better off, because your blog is in the world (and yes, I did say that last part rather tongue in cheek...)!! :)

  6. Too funny! But fear not, your blog is hardly a failure. Though...I really dislike Dr. Seuss. ;P

  7. This is sad and funny all at the same time.
    Maybe people are just really into Dr. Seuss? I named a pair of earrings in my etsy shop "Dr. Seuss' Garden" and I renewed them the other day and a TON of people looked at them. No one ever (ever!) looks at my just renewed items. It was bizarre.

  8. Thanks guys. You are encouraging...

    And, Rosanne...I read your blog!

    I *do* think Dr. Seuss is a hot topic right now. Kind of weird, but yeah...


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