
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sometime we're going to talk about this...


  1. Oh, yes...let's! :D
    I haven't seen all the episodes--only about 1 1/2 of them--but I've seen enough to know that it was amazing.

    Out of curiosity, have you seen any of the new BBC show Garrow's Law? It's about a lawyer named William Garrow in the 18th century. He tried cases at the Old Bailey courthouse. He was a real person, and the plots of the episodes are taken from real cases he tried. Very interesting. I've only seen one episode so far, but it was gripping. :)

  2. I'm pretty sure that it's my favorite version of Sherlock ever! =)

  3. I keep hearing about this. One of these days I'll have to dive in.

  4. Keaghan,

    You should watch the rest. :-) I can't wait for more!

    I haven't heard of Garrow's Law, but now I'm going to have to check it out.


    No one else even comes close. Robert Downey Jr's movie might be a nice movie, but as Sherlock Holmes it's a complete failure. (In my opinion. :-)


    You totally need to watch it! It's only three episodes. (They just put it instant on Netflix, if you have that.)

    Thanks for the comments all.

  5. This is BBC's Sherlock Holmes? Is it any good? I love Sherlock Holmes but haven't seen many movie versions.

  6. Just say when. This series is brilliant. And I understand the second season is in the works.

  7. We already did....:P


    Love you!


    That's James D'Arcy, right? I didn't look it up, so I'm just guessing...

  9. Sherlock Holmes is played by Benedict Cumberbatch (Amazing Grace, The Last Enemy, etc...)

    Watson is played by Martin Freeman.

    They both do a great job.

  10. I think the best Sherlock is Basil Rathbone. Thats my two cents. :-D

    Talk about this as much as you like though, as long as it is Robert Downey Jr, I'm a happy camper.

    I ♥ Sherlock Holmes!!!!! As you can see by my profile

  11. Sorry, I meant as long as it ISN'T Downey, I'm happy.

  12. I had reservations at first...Sherlock and phone texting? But Benedict Cumberbatch NAILS it! :-D

  13. How I LOVE this show!!! I almost cannot wait for it to come back! Had I any supurb hacking skills, and no sense of right and wrong, I will sneak into the computer files of this company and watch it before ANYONE else!! MWAHAHAH
    BUt, I don't have either, so, I will have to stick with watching it when it comes. :)
    ~Anna P.


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