
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quick thoughts on "The Adjustment Bureau"

I watched this in a Moscow park with my bro and sistah. We laughed...a lot. But the movie didn't make it. 

I just simply had to say something about the dialogue between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt. It was quick, funny and spontaneous, while remaining believable. 

Unfortunately the movie deserves it's PG-13 rating all the way...and David (Matt Damon) and Elise's (Emily Blunt) relationship lacks some virtue and chaste qualities. :-/ Really too bad, because their romance in other ways is both refreshing and interesting.

Guys could take a good lesson from this. All girls really want is to be irrationally pursued. A guy who's decisive and proactive. The more streets the guy run down with a white shirt and rolled up sleeves, the more points he gets. 

Matt Damon pursues his bride with all he's got and he's willing to sacrifice everything in his life, including being with Elise, for her own good. though this is sweet, it's a dumb move. I don't know about guys, but girls (at least any I've ever been around) would 100% rather have happiness (and an awesome fellow) than a disturbing dance career. ;-)

The other potential that fell flat in the movie was the whole chairman/angel/destiny deal. Some of the allegory was intriguing and fit, but it ultimately flopped. Besides the hats and occasional painful dorkiness, the conclusion seemed like an easy way out. The Chairman seemed to be both God and the villain, and was either purposefully befuddling his "agents" or a little indecisive himself.

Freewill was too big and complicated of a topic to tackle with coffee spills, headgear, doors, and George Nofli.

World Magazine gave a good and thought provoking review on this movie when it was in theaters. I disagree with some of their estimation of the romance, because I really think the characters were drawn well...their actions fit. Maybe I'm just young and immature, but the dialogue really was an interesting study.

If I had to rate the movie, I'd probably give it a five...mostly for the dialogue and generally "colorfulness" of the filming, along with the good acting of the two star characters. All other aspects, acting and otherwise, mostly deserve derogatory attention. 


  1. I enjoyed watching this movie, but felt like the plot line was super confused. It seemed like it was trying to have FREE WILL win out over GOD/FATE. But, the only reason Matt Damon was trying to be with Emily Blunt in the first place is because he was following an "old version of the plan." So, really no one was acting on free will. It was just Old Fate vs. New Fate.

  2. Good thoughts Bethany. I didn't like that hats either. Cheesy.
    We thought the analogy was poorly drawn as well.

  3. I really enjoyed this movie; but I really enjoy pretty much ALL the stories this guy writes (like Paycheck, for example).
    The 'Chairman' was confusing - you nailed it when you said it was as if he were both God and Villain. But I honestly enjoyed it and thought it was interesting and refreshing =)
    Paycheck is excellent and interesting; but it also lacks the... erm, 'chaste' qualities. Though it was cleaner than the Adjustment Bureau =)
    ~ Mirriam

  4. I really enjoyed this movie; but I really enjoy pretty much ALL the stories this guy writes (like Paycheck, for example).
    The 'Chairman' was confusing - you nailed it when you said it was as if he were both God and Villain. But I honestly enjoyed it and thought it was interesting and refreshing =)
    Paycheck is excellent and interesting; but it also lacks the... erm, 'chaste' qualities. Though it was cleaner than the Adjustment Bureau =)
    ~ Mirriam


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