
Friday, September 2, 2011

Shopping for Time - Carolyn Mahaney and Co.

Shopping for Time: How to Do It All and Not Be Overwhelmed by Carolyn Mahaney, Nicole Whitacre, Kristin Chesemore, and Janelle Bradshaw

Rating: 8
Readability: 8
Impact: 8

Read it Again: Already have. :-)
Recommend It: Yup

What to Expect

Carolyn Mahaney and daughters challenge the way we spend our time and how it shows our priorities while offering perspective, tips, and strategies to accomplish what we're really here for.

My Squib

I'd read this with my mom and sisters a few years ago, but thought it was time for a reread.

Shopping for Time does not simplify life to a 12 step guide towards the perfect existence. Instead, it explains five ideas to help the day fall into place and get what really matters DONE. Rise early, pursue Christ with Bible in hand, take time to plan (alone if necessary), evaluate and pursue proper relationships, and be productive in daily life by depending on Christ.

A great encouragement if you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. (Guilty as charged.) And it's short and direct enough that you won't even feel bad taking the time to read it. It's an even more beneficial break than Facebook. Promise. ;-)

The style is easy, humorous, and doesn't take itself to seriously.

From the Book

"In the end, our highest goal each day is not a flawless execution of our plans or increased productivity. It's our relationship with God, walking in dependence upon him throughout the day. We should not be more consumed with the completion of our to-do list than pleasing and glorifying our Savior. Whether we're sitting down to map out our day, simplifying our to-do list, or receiving an interruption as a 'sovereign delivery',  we must above all, plan to depend. 


  1. This sounds like a book I should read... lol. The quote at the end was exactly what I needed to read for today too ;)

  2. ooh, nice. I should read that soon. :)

  3. Hi Bethany!
    I like your blog - I plan on becoming a regular!

    I read this book early this year. It was really good! It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but so what I needed - to rearrange my priorities to align with God's, and put relationships first!



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