Friday, May 28, 2010
"Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese."
~G.K. Chesterton
Monday, May 24, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Too Late to Apologies: A Declarations
An amazingly done spoof! I actually love the song and the guys voice. Anyways, this made me LOL and I thought you all might need something light hearted for a Saturday. :-)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Iron Man 2

So, two Saturdays ago we were able to go see Iron Man 2. We would have seen it sooner, but a certain sibling was getting married. ;-)
I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I had only seen one trailer sometime ago and walked into it knowing little about the plot (although my sister had thoroughly checked it out). Needless to say, I enjoyed it, which is why I was disappointed with World's article that came yesterday. You can read the first portion of it here . Here is a quote from part of her conclusion-
"The action scenes are fun when they get going, and the film (rated PG-13) is, for the most part clean. (A few double entendres and occasional swear words are the worst of it.)
The biggest flaw, however, is the lack of moral core that should propel a superhero movie. The bad guys have no grand, dark schemes other than to destroy Stark and sell weapons to the military. The greatest moral outrage seems to be over the government't theft of Stark's Iron Man suit. Paten infringement is certainly a problem, but it's hardly a superhero issue."
Quoted from Hero without a Cause by Rebecca Cusey
I guess I was so disappointed because I normally agree with World's movie reviews.
I can't agree with this one. The last two sentences are completely false...
First, to be unsatisfied with out much action? Gack....There seemed plenty! But my bigger bone to pick is on the moral issues.
I found Iron Man 2 refreshing. Although there was plenty of the impossible, the issues the characters struggled with seemed to relate more to everyone's lives. Stark is believable as a plain, sinful, but lovable human. Stark has trouble with his friendships and relationships, but everyone acts rationally and believably.
I am not a superhero movie person. I can't stand the Spider Man movies. Seriously, MJ ruins them for me. She is irrational. I just can't like her. Batman takes itself a little to seriously and the girl is almost equal unlikable, but I enjoy the movie more. I couldn't connect with Superman at all.
I think Iron Man leaves Superhero stereotypes behind. First, I think it does not take itself so seriously, but it does taken human nature and character seriously.
I can watch it without saying "oh brother" at sand man, green goblins cackle, or Peter making dramatic choices. (Sorry, not trying to smash Spider Man. I think it is an excellent film for those who love comic type superhero films. It's well done, and I love Tobey Maguires performances.)
Stark's choices and pain are real but it's not over dramatized. Everything may be abnormal, but the people are normal.

All the characters in the movie make mistakes. All the actors play flawed people. In essence, no one is set up to be a superhero.
I was impressed by the way friendship was portrayed. Stark's real friends do plenty of things that make him mad. Plenty of things that are hard for his friends to do, but certainly the best for Stark and everyone else involved. I found this true portrayal of friendship extremely refreshing.
All good stories can not help imitating the greatest story, but I found some of the themes in Iron Man 2 particularly interesting.
At one point Ivan Vanko says, "If you make God bleed people, people will cease to believe in him." This actually made me LOL. This guy needs to read his Bible. I guess bad guys don't change much....
The movie is mostly clean. The opening scene scene earns it's PG 13 rating with some disturbingly immodest dancing, but as a whole it's considerably cleaner then the original Iron Man.

I guess this is more of a rant/ramble/musing then a review. I haven't watched Iron Man for awhile so I can't say if it's better then it's sequel. I think it is more cohesive, but not so satisfying. I thought the ending of Iron Man 2 was amazing for a superhero movie! It was actually a satisfactory ending! As a whole, though, it wasn't as cohesive...a little more choppy and rambling.
Basically I don't think it's perfect, but I do recommend it. It is certainly creates an interesting conversation. So why couldn't I have just said that to begin with?
Thanks for reading. If you got to the end, you are a very determined (or very bored) person.
Miss Pickwickian
Monday, May 17, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Do those who work to cultivate the imagination suffer from increased paranoia?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Wait to Hear
Wait to Hear
You hurry through a crowded street
You glimpse faces but see no souls
You never mind the hearts you meet
All you see is your distant goal
All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear
You meet someone that you can love
You meet someone who may love you
You may believe it’s from above
But all lives fall and split in two
All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear
A thousand touch and cross your life
A thousand faces shape your way
A thousand people compose strife
Some faces go some faces stay
All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear
You may speculate where they go
You may miss a face forever
Many lives you will never know
The spinning world is to clever
All wander in or walk strait by
All will shed a laugh and tear
All lay quiet under the sky
All have songs they must wait to hear
©Miss Pickwickian
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Back from Mexico....and everything else!
Life has begun to slow to a reasonable pace again. The last couple weeks have been amazing, but I'm ready for some not-so-amazing slower paced days ahead. :-)
Mexico was AWESOME!

All the relaxation and all was extremely inspiring. I wrote down plenty of notes and I'm ready to get back to work (as soon is the house returns to normal).
It seems like there was an era where to be a writer you traveled the world and had adventures you could write about. Today it seems like you sit in a class room and learn things second hand. I think there is a nice balance between the two.
I'll post something more interesting soon. ;-)
Miss Pickwickian
Mexico was AWESOME!
It seems like there was an era where to be a writer you traveled the world and had adventures you could write about. Today it seems like you sit in a class room and learn things second hand. I think there is a nice balance between the two.
I'll post something more interesting soon. ;-)
Miss Pickwickian
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