Thursday, February 25, 2010
American Dream - Me
This song is still in the reworks and there have been some rather varying opinions on it. If you have a moment to tell me what you think it means I would love it! It seems to be sending different messages to different people. :-) Suggestions are always welcome.
New American Dream
I wasn’t good enough for you
I’ll be good enough for someone more forgiving
I can change myself, but you are already gone
Maybe I’m just another American mom
I love you and I forgive you
Your boy has nothing to base a forgiveness on
All you ever taught your only child was to run
Maybe his just another American Son
You’ve burned love in a tired heart
I know you’ll regret it all when you’re far away
You’ve lost it all and you’ve helped the world spin what’s mad
Maybe your just another American dad
My heart will always be part yours
But it’s turned and it will never let you back in
Someday someone will actually be who they seem
Maybe that is just the new American dream
Done with love, but love this country
If her fathers could be husbands and fathers now
But there really might not be anything that’s wrong
Maybe it’s just another American song
© Miss Pickwickian
Maybe I'll post what I was thinking and what I mean later...
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Irish Brigade - Gods and Generals
I believe this is one of the most moving scenes in any movie. The music is one of my most played in iTunes.
This really brings the Civil War home. Men were fighting men they respected and knew.
Half way through a valiant charge (during the battle of Fredricksburg) these Irish immigrants realize they are fighting each other. They believe in their cause and continue to fight, but at the end salute the northern Irish brigade for their bravery.
Note: There is a lot of shooting going on and if your not used to Civil War reenactments, I'm sorry!
Thank you for reading!
Miss Pickwickian
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Invisible Fairytale - Me
This song has been mulling about in my head for several weeks. During work awhile ago I was listening to my country Pandora station and a song came on about how life is not a fairy tale. Basically they don't exist, etc... I was inclined to agree, but then it was like - HOLD ON! There is one perfect story!
I tried to find the song again to get me in the mood, but I couldn't remember what it was called and all my searches failed. I'm not completely satisfied with how these lyrics turned out. It was a cooler idea then it came out on paper...
Invisible Fairytale
I can watch someone fall in love
And I can watch them turn to steel
I can feel a warm summer’s sun
And I can feel the winter’s chill
I can hear a quit fairy’s tale
But what I hear is never real
I want to hear a fairy tale that’s true
Why dream the imaginary?
Will it end in cheerful laughter?
Good will always conquer evil
Live happily ever after
True love will triumph over all
I can hear the cynic’s laughter
I want to hear a fairy tale that’s true
I can pick up that book to read
Or I can look in life and see
Everyone has their tragedy
Heartache will set no prisoner free
A day in life will hammer pain
No fairy tale written for me
I want to hear a fairy tale that’s true
I know those that are strong and good
They laugh or they know it’s a lie
There are endless troubles in life
They can see through a cloudy eye
I’ve not seen love last forever
But I’ve seen the good lose and die
I want to hear a fairy tale that’s true
Maybe my mind isn’t enough
Can’t see and hear and feel it all
Maybe I won’t see good conquer
The future’s built beyond the wall
Maybe it’s saved ever after
Until then we must jump to fall
I want to hear a fairy tale that’s true
I have heard a fairy tale that’s true
© Miss Pickwickian
Thanks so much for reading! Tell me if you have any suggestions or thoughts.
Miss Pickwickian
Monday, February 22, 2010
"I only write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning." – Peter De Vries
Saturday, February 20, 2010
You are Strong - Me
I wrote this song a month or so ago and I don't think it flows very well. It needs some work, I guess...
Change bugs me in general and this song was created while I tried to think about some positive things about change. ;-) It could be applied to a variety of relationships. I was thinking either parents/child or romantic when I wrote it.
I respect people who have been hurt in relationships or have lost loved ones and are still willing to go out and love someone for all they are worth. Most relationships we get hurt with at some point. To go back out and love someone takes guts.
You are Strong
You are young and you have something good
For a moment it’s all as it should
Underneath there’s a raging stream
It’s just your life’s unchanging theme
I promise
How ever we may wonder
How ever loud the thunder
Where the path may lead you
Blue is always blue
And that’s the way
I love you
Every moment won’t last forever
I will change in life’s constant tremor
The winds corrode what stands alone
Our transformations can’t be known
I promise
How ever we may wonder
How ever loud the thunder
Where the path may lead you
Blue is always blue
And that’s the way
I love you
You grab hold to something that’s flying
You love but it all ends in crying
For awhile everything is perfect
But you know what you have to expect
I promise
How ever we may wonder
How ever loud the thunder
Where the path may lead you
Blue is always blue
And that’s the way
I love you
I may change or be taken away
But my love will never die or fray
You are strong to give your love
It will hurt until we are above
I promise
How ever we may wonder
How ever loud the thunder
Where the path may lead you
Blue is always blue
And that’s the way
I love you
© Miss Pickwickian
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian
Friday, February 19, 2010
Hillbilly Bone - Trace Adkins and Blake Shelton
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Robert Newton Peck...wise author
"Never miss a chance to keep your mouth shut."
Robert Newton Peck, 'A Day No Pigs Would Die'
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Music of "Open Range"

Michael Kamen was an amazing, amazing, amazing soundtrack composer! You've probably heard a lot of his music without even knowing it.
I love the soundtrack to "Open Range" (the last movie released with his music before his death in 2003).
And that's besides loving almost everything else about "Open Range". I love Charlie and Boss Spearmen's relationship. The actors were wonderful fits. For a western, the love story is actually quit tolerable too! Sue was believable and Charlie....well...he's amazing. (Probably another guy who helped form my character ideas). I love the complexity of everyone's characters and how they change. It was very well done.
I tried to find a good recording of the credit song, "Holding All My Love for You", but only could find one which was a tribute to a black lab. What's with that? Very odd... Anyways, here is a rather poor quality video of "Holding All My Love for You" as well as the opening Michael Kamen title. If the orchestral piece doesn't make your gut sing...well... There is something wrong with you. :-)

I don't care to much for Julianna Raye's voice, but I hope you enjoy the song and the words. Listen carefully because I couldn't find a good copy of the lyrics.
Thanks for listening!
Miss Pickwickian
(Note: I would recommend "Open Range" if you haven't seen it, but we watch it on Clearplay and recommend you do too. It does contain some very untasteful fighting scenes and language.)
Window - Me
These lyrics were inspired by a sermon on 1 John 2. I believe the finished version should be cut of a few verses, but it's too new to my heart to start hacking it to pieces. (I have to step back from my creations for a bit before I can start drastically changing them...)
I do admit, it's a little long. I hope you enjoy it anyways. ;-)
There’s a light in the window
There’s a wedding band
How will she tell her children?
Will they understand?
Because Daddy’s gone AWOL
He doesn’t know where
Couldn’t stand it anymore
Maybe he’s in prayer
She knows he’ll see the light
Her husband is gone somewhere
She could see it come
He’s looking for salvation
A heart that turned numb
She’s staring out that window
Looking for her man
Starts to whisper to the pane
I know why you ran
I know you’ll see the light
You can’t see the life you own
You’ve forgotten love
You’ll never find redemption
No voice from above
Call it your love or duty
Can’t you come on home?
You won’t find forgiveness there
You weren’t made to roam
I know you’ll see the light
Someday you’ll find salvation
And you’ll find it here
You will choose to care again
Can’t you persevere?
You’ve got to love your brother
Also means your wife
Kids you didn’t tell goodbye
Can’t walk out of life
I know you’ll see the light
You can find your redemption
When you choose to love
Pick up that Book to obey
His voice from above
Mama stares out that window
Waiting through the years
But somewhere he’s still roaming
Stay till he appears
She knows he’ll see the light
Thanks for reading!
Miss Pickwickian
Monday, February 15, 2010
Modern Mediocrity in Christian Art

The arts (music, literature, and visual) are all amazing gifts from God.
We are made to create.
In history art has been largely dominated by believers. And that is certainly the way it should be.
Who are the Christian giants today?
I don't want to bash anyone, but it certainly seems like Christians have settled for mediocrity.
Christians should be setting the pace in art - plowing a head - showing an example to the world. Today we seem to either be following the non-Christians and becoming utterly indistinguishable or separating ourselves into whole different genres of rather mediocre fuzzy-feeling comfort art.
We, as Christians, can show truth through art.
Another attitude that I do not believe honors God (and I am sure it turns unbelievers off) is our refusal to recognize talent and hard work by non-Christians.
An unbeliever can be an amazing violinist or an outstanding painter, and we can enjoy his work. Yes, we need to be careful because a lot of non-Christian art has very non-Christian themes. That does not mean music, art, or writing is evil because it was created by a unsaved person. The truth will be known in everything. Often a non-Christian can not help showing the story no matter how hard they try to stay away from it.
We can not say..."such and such a persons creations are evil because he is a non-Christian". If they are evil, there should be a much better basis for arguing that point and you should use it. God uses sinners to create beauty. Every man on earth has his purpose. No matter how they may try to run from the Truth and from their Maker, they will be used to glorify Him.
We should recognize talent, non-Christian or Christian.
Christianity should be producing the most and the best musicians, artists, and writers.
I feel like these thoughts are incomplete, but I really wanted to write something on the subject. It is time for Christianity to reconquer the arts!
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian

The Return of the Prodigal Son
Saturday, February 13, 2010
"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it."
~C.S. Lewis~
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Catch Me - Me
These lyrics are the first I wrote. I still have mixed feelings about them.... But I thought I'd post. :-) I really like duets, but I'm not sure I'm satisfied with this one.
Catch Me
Man and Woman Duet
I fell in love, he was so perfect
It must be forever
But he said those words “I love you” to somebody else
And she followed him and I staid home
And its been years and I’m alone
Was I fat? Was I skinny? Was I ugly? Or was I pretty?
Who will catch me if I fall?
I was on the sidewalk, just waiting
And somebody new said
I have been watching you, but you are ignoring me
And he knelt down right there on his knee,
And said Won’t you marry me?
Are you lonely? Are you afraid? Are you lost? Or are you brave?
Who will catch me if I fall?
I’ve talked to your dad
He says we’re perfect
But most of all, he said you are afraid to fall
So I said “I do”. We were one our way
Because he was here to stay.
Was I fat? Was I skinny? Was I ugly? Or was I pretty?
I will catch you when you fall
I fell in love, it was so perfect
It must be forever
But it was only twenty-three years till he said,
I’m lying here, I’m dying here
For me I have no fear, but
Are you lonely? Are you afraid? Are you lost? Or are you brave?
Who will catch me if I fall?
Its never been me, to catch you
So when I am gone
Someone will still be with you, just watch and listen
Cause I am going to be waiting
You’ll be coming…I’m waiting
Are you lonely? Are you afraid? Are you lost? Or are you brave?
He will catch you when you fall
Who will catch you when you fall?
He will catch us when we fall
© Miss Pickwickian
Miss Pickwickian
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Empty Sun - Me
Another song without music. I wrote this today during my reading in Ecclesiastes (most of it's stolen out of Chapter 1). It still needs plenty of fine tunning, but I thought I'd post it. Let me know what you think....
Empty Sun
There is nothing, nothing at all
Nothing, nothing, nothing at all
What do we gain from exertion?
When do we stop running?
The generation before me lived and died
Mine will do the same
The generation after me is dead despite what it has tried
The world won’t know, it’s stuck whirling
This sun rises and sets
It hurries back to the place where it rises
Wind blows to the south
It goes around to the north and meets itself
All streams run to the raging sea
but the sea is not full
All things are full of weariness man can’t flee
We’re not satisfied
The eye can not hear and the ear can not see
What has been here is what will be
What has been done is
What will be done, nothing new under this sun
They say, “this is new.”
In the ages before us it has been done
No one remembers history
Forgotten the future
What is crooked can’t be strait or the lost found
Acquire knowledge
And with your wisdom you will be tied and bound
Sanity and insanity
Only the fool will laugh
Men living in light cry as men in the dark
They will die the same
Their work is left to their orphans with no mark
There is nothing better for us
Then to find enjoyment
Our labor is not under this empty sun
But under the Son
Joy is only given by the righteous One
If all you see is this whirling world
There is nothing, nothing at all
Nothing, nothing, nothing at all
Joy is only given by the righteous One
© Miss Pickwickian
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian
Lonely - Akon
I know it's odd, but it is so sadly pathetic, it's fitting :-)
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian
Monday, February 8, 2010
To Write What You Mean
"The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean."
~Robert Louis Stevenson
Saturday, February 6, 2010
William Wallace
Friday, February 5, 2010
Dancing Around - Me
I really love writing songs, but I really can't compose music. So here are some lyrics of my collection of "songs without music".
I wrote it yesterday, so it's still in the rough.
Dancing Around
You nod your own head
But you didn’t really listen to what I said
You say you agree
But you must think something different then me
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
Tell me what you mean
I promise no one is gonna make a scene
I sure want to know
I am tired of dancing around this show
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
Don’t you lie to me
I’m not going to beg or get on my knee
I won’t go insane
Even if what you have to say gives me pain
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
You say you sure care
But honesty is something you will not wear
Tell what you believe
Or this friendship is gonna get up and leave
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
Truth might really sting
But lies are going to fester everything
Think your being nice
Ever pretence you create comes with a price
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
I don’t need to hear
What you have done and thought or how you came clear
If you let me know
The truth only makes a relationship grow
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
You might want to hide
The real you is never gonna be denied
So stop worrying
Sincerity won’t send someone scurrying
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
You can nod your head
Only when you’ve listened to what I have said
You can say you agree
When you know you really feel the same as me
I know you’re just playing with me
I’d rather hear the worst with some honesty
© Miss Pickwickian
Thanks for reading!
Miss Pickwickian
Thursday, February 4, 2010
"Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision, instead we are always changing the vision." - Orthodoxy, 1908
G. K. Chesterton
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Cathie Ryan
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian