Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl: Wide Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken Word by N.D. Wilson
Thomas Nelson
Rating: 9+
Readability: 9
Impact: 10+
Read it Again: Yes, actually I went back through to write some quotes and ended up just reading it all again... And I want to do it again soon. :-)
Recommend It: Yes! I think as soon as I can afford it, this will be my next giveaway! You can buy it here. :-)
If you read nothing else of this post, read the last, longer quote on this review!
What to Expect
A book that does not go strait, but one that revels in God's creation and sees the story the Master Author is weaving.
Funny, artistic, wise, heart tugging, and thought provoking. I cried and laughed and took hundreds of notes.
Note: Some of the material may not be considered suitable for younger ages.
My Squib
Loved this book to death. :-)
So much food for thought, deep (but understandable) discussion, random humor, all bundled up in an awesome writing style.
I can see some people not liking this book because of it's meandering and style, but everyone can benefit from what it has to say and what it makes you think about.
I, of course, loved what N.D. Wilson said about art, especially using evil in art. Besides it all being directly applicable to Christian life, it was particularly amazing to one interested in writing.
His whole section of evil existing in the world with an all powerful, all knowing, all good God was especially influential.
I appreciated the refreshed view I came away with about all of creation.
Sometimes I worry about myself and how uninterested I am in sight seeing and scenery. If it has to do with history it's all very well and good, but if it's just a pretty tree or a piece of rock my attention span is limited. (Okay, those things have history too, but you know what I mean.)
I guess I'm not a natural romantic. And sometimes that actually bothers me...
I know some awesome people who can tell me all about something beautiful and it truly sounds amazing. They could write a poem about a tree or a mountain they would sound honest. I think mine would sound like it was laughing at itself.
Somehow this book helped me get a clearer view. I'm trying to appreciate those things more. And if I can't stand and look at a tree for an hour, that's okay.
I think I have a tendency towards cynicism and this book is one of many amazing things God has used to keep me from becoming even more messed up. ;-)
So, I don't know if any of that made any sense. Basically, I am just really thankful for this book and grateful for God bringing it into my life at just the right time.
I really can't think of anything to add. It's awesome. Go read it.
From the Book
There is seriously way too much amazingness, so you are going to have to go check it out for yourself. :-)
"And I move on, with the sun on my face. Clouds are growing in the west, glorious clouds piled up with rowdy care and sparked electric life.
I feel my lungs with the world, with this life, with this gift beyond containing. There is only one thing I can say.
Thank you. And I must say it with my life. Through my life. To the end of my life. And after."
"Why do Christians think of purity, holiness, and even divinity as something with big eyes and soft fur? Why do we so often ignore the beautiful in exchange for the cute?"
"The trite is more comfortable. I like angels I can hug. Forget the pillar of fire; a teddy bear is a more fitting icon of holiness."
Read this-
"Do not resent your place in the story. Do not imagine yourself elsewhere. Do not close your eyes and picture a world without thorns, without shadows, without hawks. Change this world. Use your body like a tool meant to be used up, discarded, and replaced. Better every life you touch. We will reach the final chapter. When we have eyes that can stare into the sun, eyes that only squint for the Shekinah, then we will see laughing children pulling cobras by the tails, and hawks and rabbits playing tag.
But we cannot hope to reach the final chapter by dreaming, by holding our collective breath and staring a unshaded acrylic escape paintings. The only road to that final chapter began a the garden and led into the wilderness. It runs through these chapters. Live now. Relish the tensions, the challenges, and laugh at the petty pains."
If you've read it or when you read it, tell me what you think. :-)
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian
Oh my gosh, I love this book! Don't you adore his writing style? I love books that talk about our lives from the perspective of story and an author...it's really cool. Have you read 100 Cupboards? You might like it if you like his writing style.
Thanks for commenting.
YES! I love his writing style. It's amazing.
I haven't read the "100 Cupboards" books, but the sound fun. Maybe when I have enough money or I can find someone who's willing to loan them. The sound good.
Miss Pickwickian
I REALLY liked this book! Glad you liked it too!
Hahaha, my sister owns them all, I could ask her if she'd be willing to let you borrow them if you want. I think the story is creative and his writing style is jsut AMAZING. so yeah. :)
I agree, quite a fantastic book. You would like Nate's class too, I think.
That would be wonderful, if she doesn't mind sometime. I have a pretty good stack right now, but I really, really want to read them.
David K,
I am positive I would like Nate Wilson's class. I have heard very good things about it!
Ookay!!! I change my mind. :-) I think I'm gonna have to choose this over "On Writing Well"... no wait!
Gahh! It's so hard to choose!
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