Last night I taught my niece about book sniffing. It was high time she learned. She is seventeen months old and about to be a big sister!

Her favorite seemed to be leather. My journal is leather, so in addition it smells like fresh ink. I think I smell it more then anything else. ;-)
My journal is awesome.
My journal is awesome.

And there is the smell of old books. Yummy!

And there is the smell of new ink on once blank paper.

Then there is the smell of musty books.

And the smell of your Bible.

And the smell of a new, cheap paperback! Oh what bliss!
I think this is one of the biggest problems in the Christian book market. We insist on printing our books on pure white pages with shinny covers and no smell. This may look up-to-date and last forever, but it looses the magical aroma of a cheap paperback.

I am a book sniffer too!!! You can usually find me sniffing through my own personal collection of old, new, musty, hardback and paperback books.
My favorite place to get lost in would have to be a used bookstore, so that I can breath in literature for hours on end! Glad you've (hopefully) passed this art, of book sniffing, onto your little niece, Miss Pickwickian! =)
Blessings to you,
Cheap paper-backs are the yummiest.
*Gasp* You mean I am not the only book sniffer out there??? When shopping for books, sniffing them is a big factor in the decision making process. My family and friends look at me like I'm nuts!
But, if it's down to two copies of the same book and one smells like old maple syrup and one smells like vanilla paper, it's a no brainer! Unfortunately none of the people that were with me could smell any difference.....
My sister and I are totaly book sniffer. I'm the genuine old leather kind of sniffer. I think my sister likes the smell of old books. Well nice to post again but alas I must go.
Be Blessed:)
It's a good thing SOMEONE finally taught your niece to sniff books! What neglect in education!
Yay, you sniff books too! I thought I must be the only one! I think old dusty/musty books are my favorite : ) What a great post - love the pictures.
~ Hattie
... and for those of you heathens who read Kindles...
Like some people here, I'm a book sniffer, too. Ooh, I just love sniffing really old books coz whenever I sniff them, it kind of reminds me of the past and wonder how it must be like way back when.
Don't you just love that century or decades old smell?
Oh yes... One of my favorite smells is a good book. There is one kind of paper that smells particularly wonderful. Kind of thinner and yellowish tannish. Mmmm
I'm not sure if I like the smell of a new paperback or an old well loved one better...
Oh, the smell of has to be one of the best smells in the world! Thanks for posting such a fun post! :)
I'm just stopping by to invite you to come check out the blog party/giveaway that is going on right now on my blog! There are eight giveaways, so there are a ton of chances to win some cool stuff; it ends next Wednesday. Hope to see you there! :D
Happy Saturday,
The smell of books is certainly one of the better smells on God's earth. There ought to be an aftershave that smells like books...
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