I know I'm behind the times, but I only just recently got to see Thor (first movie in 3D). The following are random thoughts, not a well-thought-out movie review... Proceed with caution. ;-)
I really had no inclination to see Thor until I heard that it was another Kenneth Branagh/Patrick Doyle director/soundtrack team.
My original indifference was mostly because I'm not a huge superhero/Marvel fan and for some reason it just really seemed like Chris Hemsworth should be Sean Bean...and he wasn't. (Don't try to make sense of that one.)
I walked into the theater with a lot of recommendations but not much idea of who as acting or what the story was all about.
It was a good movie.
Thor was a refreshing character...far from perfect but not blatantly retarded (not the typical "bad boy"). I thought Hemsworth acted wonderfully. Thor was a sympathetic, changing, and mildly complex character who acted realistically (even with the god-factor in there). He turned into a true hero...the best produced by hollywood in a long time.
By the end of the movie, I forgave him for not being Sean Bean, but that was about as far as it got.
Anthony Hopkins was superb (duh). His character (the king) kept much of the movie from becoming cliche.
The whole cast is very typical of a Kenneth Branagh film and meshes together beautifully.
There were moments of goofiness, predictability, or complete unbelievability, but over all, the movie was a fun and clean 114 minutes.
If you know me...you might know what is coming next...
Depending on how you look at it, plot spoilers may lie ahead. Also...let me just say that Tom Hiddleston looks a lot different with straight, black hair.
From the first moment you see Loki you know that they are going to make him have all of these unresolved issues and that he's going to turn against Thor. He's the good boy who will turn bad, while the bad boy will turn good. I was literally hoping beyond hope that they would have just let him be an amazing brother and son. I loved him from the beginning and I knew they would do this to him. Come on. It's so overused.
He could have been amazing.
I want to see a movie where there is simply a supporting character like Loki could have been. I want to see a movie where the child can truly accept the fact that his parents love him for who he is, no matter where he came from. I want to see a movie where a guy can be from the enemy race and still be a good guy.
There were just so many things about the whole situation that I didn't like. It really put a damper on the movie.
Please don't sacrifice a potentially awesome character just to come up with a plot element. There are other more original options.
And of course he's not dead. Who dies in these type of movies?
I know it's all based of a comic book and I'm going to refrain from blaming people like Kenneth Branagh, but it makes me want to rewrite the story.
Having said all that, I did think it was the best superhero movie to perhaps ever come out (maybe not my favorite, but the best).
They did a great job keeping it interesting, crazy, and clean. Thor was very much the lion and Loki was very much the serpent, but at the same time the characters were more morally complex. It had an interesting focus on the purpose and place of war and actions of individual characters.
At first I thought they were going to do a lot with the whole "god" thing, but they actually go out of their way to explain him as not being a god at all (although he still is the god of thunder...not sure how that works). Certainly the most unobjectionable movie of its type.
Really enjoyed it. I'll just have to make up an alternate reality for the whole Loki aspect.
I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.
Thanks for reading,
Miss Pickwickian