A very big thank you to Zbet who custom made this beautiful necklace!
It is proper for the Christian to use symbols and reminders in daily life. (Many of the commands given to the Law are representations and reminders of something greater.)
This necklace is made of three "symbols"--
The cross was a sign of suffering and shame and it has been turned into a sign of hope and triumph-- the burial marker of Death.
The cross is a reminder of Jesus love, suffering, death, and resurrection.
We were dead sinners but Christ took those sins upon Himself and we are now alive in His resurrection. Although we will die, it is in that turning page that Death proves it's powerlessness. It can not hold those claimed by the Living God.
It is also a reminder of the words of Christ-
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Matthew 16:24
Matthew 16:24
That cross is real, but we know that it is conquered. May we carry it joyfully and may these words be true of us--
But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.
Galatians 6:14
Galatians 6:14
The Pearl is used as a symbol of the Church of Christ. It is a sign of value, purity, unity, and growth.
It is created through suffering. An impurity enters the oyster side and the oyster uses itself to create the pearl. The pearl, at first something useless and impure becomes something beautiful reflecting the beauty of the inside of the oyster's shell. Read this review...
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
Matthew 13:45-46
The pearl is a reminder of the beauty and glory, that someday will be fully true, of the unified Church through Christ.
It is also a common sign of purity and holiness.
The oval stamped with "Hold Fast" is a reminder of our only purpose and goal. To hold fast to our faith. To press on toward the goal of the upward call in Christ Jesus.
You shall walk after the LORD your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 13:4
He taught me and said to me, "Let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments and live. Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth."
Proverbs 4:4-5
Proverbs 4:4-5
To Paul, "holding fast" is a pretty intense action--
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:9-12
Necklace Description:
High quality oval charm hand stamped with "Hold Fast", complimented by a double sided cross, and wire wrapped, fresh water pearl on a 16" sterling silver chain.
High quality oval charm hand stamped with "Hold Fast", complimented by a double sided cross, and wire wrapped, fresh water pearl on a 16" sterling silver chain.
This amazing piece was custom made for this giveaway!
Zbet uses high quality materials, beautiful designs, and an eye for carefully crafted artistry. Besides already-made creations, this shop hand stamps and custom makes art and jewelry especially for you!
I am certainly going to be commissioning some work here. :-) It's going to be difficult to part with this necklace.
Zbet has been wonderful to work with and has very graciously sponsored this giveaway.
You must check out the shop! It is so cool!
How to Enter
1. Visit Zbet's Designs.
Discover how amazing it is and come back and let me know what you like best.
Discover how amazing it is and come back and let me know what you like best.
2. Follow me.
3. Post about it on your blog (or facebook or both).
4. Put my giveaway button on your sidebar.
You must comment once for every entry. Giveaway ends January 30th.
Note: Sorry for previous link that didn't work. This one does! :-)

What a fun shop! I love this type of charm necklace and it's casual enough to go with most of my clothes whether it's to church or just around the house. My favorite is the one that says "I love you to the moon...and back."
"Hold Fast" makes me think of that one old sailor in Master and Commander, which is awesome!
Also, I'm a faithful follower. :-)
I'm absolutely in love with this style of necklace. Her shop is lovely, and this is one of my favorites. http://www.etsy.com/listing/65439979/my-briolette-hand-stamped-initial
I am SO a follower.
I think I'm going to have to say the "to the moon and back" necklace also. :-)
I actually probably love the Hold Fast one you're giving away best! :-)
I follow ya. :-)
Ooh, what a lovely giveaway, dear!! How fun!
Please enter me!!
I follow your blog :)
Posting on Giveaways Galore...
and Facebook ;)
Posted your button on all three of my blogs...
I visited her shop...and ♥-ed it...
I just love ALL her stuff!! Goodness! So much fun!
My favorite thing from the loverly shop is the Keep the Faith - hand stamped necklace! :) It is simply beautiful! :)
I now follow your cute blog! :)
I posted about the giveaway on my blog! :)
I put the button on my blog. :)
What a neat necklace!
I love the family fleur hand stamped necklace.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a new follower!
What a delightful giveaway. I would love to enter!
My favorite item from Zbet's shop is the Keep The Faith necklace. I also really like the necklace you are giving away! It has wonderful meaning to it!
Your Sister In Christ,
I am now a follower of your lovely blog!
I posted about your giveaway on my blog. Here is the link:
Thank you again for hosting such a sweet giveaway. May the Lord richly bless you!
Your Sister In Christ,
I follow you!!
Hello. That is a very lovely necklace! Over at that etsy shop, I love the briolette hand stamped initial necklace.
I'm a follower!
Totally loving the Blessed Hand Stamped Necklace!!! :)
Officially a follower!! :)
Posted! :)
I'm loving this type of necklace...I love the one that says 'I love you to the moon and back'. :-D
I'm a follower! :-D
...and I just posted about it on FB. :-D
On my sidebar! :)
I like this: http://www.etsy.com/listing/63595273/cross-my-heart-hand-stamped-necklace
I am a follower :)
My favorite thing is "Loves of my Life Family Hand Stamped Necklace"
I am a follower!!!!
I posted your button.
Can't wait to find out who wins :)
My Favorite item is the Faithfully Yours Hand Stamped Necklace.
I follow you!
I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
I tried to post the pic on my sidebar...it isn't showing up!
What to do?
Ooh, how *FUN!* And what a lovely prize. :)Let's see...from the wonderful shop, my fav. item is the "My Fleur" hand-stamped necklace. Sooo pretty! =D
P.S. (I, too, am having a giveaway {30 prizes, actually!!} over at my blog, "From Under My Little Umbrella." Check it out here:
I follow you =)
Gaahahaaa!! Most of those are ones I really like... ususally I'm sort of skeptical about personalized stuff like that, with names or inspirational words and what-not on them (they tend to be sooo cheesy sometimes), but those ones are really cool! I love how she also combines metal colors, and how she puts thought into the symbolism behind that stuff: super cool!
Hey Miss Pickwickian (love your name, love that book)! Thanks for doing this give away, these are usually how I find the best blogs, when someone shares a contest they're hosting. So, it's nice to meet you. :) I'm following you!
Oh and, because I'm a technological dimwit, I have no clue how to post anything on my sidebar =/
(P.S. I think I've only entered two other giveaways, but I've never entered a giveaway which I wanted more... I feel SO greedy right now... LOL)
Just started following you!
Liked this one from the site!
Published on the blog!
Posted on FB. Lovelovelove this and I NEVER EVER post giveaways ;-)
Thank you to all people entering and for your comments. :-)
I'm very sorry about the difficulties with the sidebar! If you tried to post it earlier it didn't work (you probably already know that;-).
Please try again with the link near the end of the post. It should work!
(To post a sidebar link you just cut and paste this into a java script/html gadget).
Thank you so much!
Miss Pickwickian
Put the new button on the blog - works beautifully!
Mmm, I like the necklace that says "to the moon and back," although I confess I liked a lot of them... I think my big sister would love to have one.
Posted on fb! =D
I posted on FB (on my personal profile AND my fan page)
I put the button on my sidebar! :-)
My favorite item from their shop is the love and faith family necklace.. so adorable! :)
I am now a follower! :)
I posted on my blog about this giveaway!
AND I posted your button. :)
p.s. I really am enjoying reading your blog.. it's so encouraging to read a blog so wonderfully written and based on God. <3
i really like the keep the faith necklace:)
I follow you!
I posted it on facebook
You can contact me at libbyd104@gmail.com
I follow you
Wow - what gorgeous things!
I think my favorite is "My Angel Circle" :)
So pretty!
I follow! :)
I visited the shop, and everything is completely beautiful. My favorite piece has to be the Blessed necklace. :)
I am a follower of The Erratic Muse.
Baby Love - personalized hand stamped necklace is my favorite!
anita [dot] truck [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow you.
I posted this on my blog.
I put your button on my sidebar.
I linked you from facebook ... can you tell I just LOVE this necklace!!!???
I love all Zbet's Designs necklaces ! They're amazing . But by far my most favorite necklace that she has is the one your giving away .
I follow !
I am a follower of your most lovely blog, Miss Pickwickian. :) Love the name, too!
I blogged about this givaway !
I posted about it, here:
I like the "Faithfully Yours Hand Stamped Necklace" best.
Such a cute shop! the Initials Squared - hand stamped and aged necklace is my favorite...but the mixed metel monogram hand stamped necklace is pretty cute too. =D
I posted about this on my blog!
I put the button on my sidebar.
I would like to follow...but I'm not sure where you following 'box' is...maybe it's just my browser.
I put this on my (new!) blog...
I put your button on my blog:
I put the giveaway button on my sidebar !
I love the Faithfully Yours Handstamped Necklace. (And the Giveaway one even more!!)
I'm a new follower :)
Posted on FB!
zbet has a lovely shop and I especially love the "to the moon" necklace although it isn't easy to choose just one favorite. And how nice to have use visit her shop! Etsians appreciate that. :)
Hmmm...I wasn't a follower until just now? What is up with that? I know I've visited her before and enjoyed myself. I sense a kindred spirit. :)
hearted her shop! love the Faithfully Yours Handstamped Necklace (& giveaway one)
taraz9 at excite dot com
follow your blog
taraz9 at excite dot com
i tweeted b/c i don't have a blog, http://twitter.com/curious_kitty/status/28137962248085504
taraz9 at excite dot com
I just love the silver teardrop earrings!
I'm a follower, and my e-mail is salmonlipsgirl [at] gmail [dot] com
What a lovely giveaway! Thanks to Miss Lucia for telling me about it. :-)
I love the shop! Here's one of my favourite items:
~Hannah Grace
I'm following! :-)
~Hannah Grace
I posted about your giveaway on my site!
~Hannah Grace
I put your giveaway link on my sidebar. :-)
~Hannah Grace
I loved the faithfully yours hand stamped necklace!!! Sooooo elegant!
Bethany Ward
I now follow your blog!
Bethany Ward
I posted about it! http://wardfamblog.blogspot.com/2011/01/necklace-giveaway.html
Bethany Ward
I put your button on our blog:www.wardfamblog.blogspot.com
Bethany Ward
I love all of the necklaces, but I also love the Oxidized wire wrapped circle earrings! ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
I am also a follower (Cee).
ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com
Aw! I love the one that says "I love you to the moon and back"! So cute!
Hullo! I saw a link to your blog's giveaway on a friends blog... and thought it was too lovely to pass up. :) Posted!
...followed... :)
...and posted button on sidebar. Yay! All done. :)
I'm a follwer:)
I would have to say the "To the Moon and Back" ....
And posted! (sierramackenzie.blogspot.com) Thank you!
The Michele hand stamped necklace is beautiful! Love all of those for the family and grands! There are so many to choose from! Great giveaway! Thanks! ♥
I'm a new follower! Hugs! ♥
Wow.....what a great giveaway! I'm excited.....Please Enter me!
zbet has so many things it's hard to pick my favorite....but I think it would have to be the Silver Teardrop Earrings! SO pretty!
Miss Lizzy
I'm now following you! :D :D :D
Miss Lizzy
I posted about your giveaway on my blog:
Miss Lizzy
I put your giveaway button on my blog!
Miss Lizzy
I love the Mixed IDea hand stamped necklace.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
I posted about it on this link:http://heartsforgodmagazine.blogspot.com/p/hfg-monthly-article.html
Bethany Ward
Hey, I went to your etsy and took a look at some beautiful necklaces you had! I think my fav. was the one called "Loves of my Life Family Hand Stamped Necklace". I loved that one because it boldly and beautifully showns the loyalty to one another, and could in turn show how you love the Lord.
And I posted it on my facebook profile.
That necklace is beautiful!
I follow your blog... :)
I love this necklace from Zbet's Designs shop...
Everything in the shop is simply beautiful, though! :)
Emily N.
I follow you blog! :)
In Christ,
Emily N.
Posted about it on FB. :)
~Emily N.
I visited the site and my favorite is the "All my Hearts Hand Stamped Necklace". Very cute.
anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
I follow you on GFC. (Anja M.)
anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
I blogged.
anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
Find your giveaway button on my right sidebar under "Event buttons".
anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com
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